Okay, so… You’re probably wondering: WHAT IS DE FRUITSCHAAL? Well that’s how we called our project group. Let me give you some background information. During the very first meeting Timo called Janiek a ‘Druif’ (grape in English) because of her attitude and Arjo was the only healthy person as he was eating an apple so he was called ‘Appel’. That’s where it all started and we decided ‘De Fruitschaal’ had to be our name. Now we all needed nicknames. Delmar was old so he was called ‘Papa Delmar’ and yeah originality vanished or something so now Timo was now called ‘Tima’. That’s it and have fun looking through these idiotic moments! :)

This whole project has been a very interesting experience, with some very extraordinary people…

Let’s get this straight, we were four crackheads and it was a lot of fun. I don’t think an explanation is needed to be honest. Just look at the pictures and you will see.





Timo and Janiek

Timo and Arjo

We had insane dedication

In order to make sure we had enough time to make shots for the final demo day video we even organized a sleep over. We had some great lights and music, that’s for sure.

Yeah we had dedication already for the midterm (Yes it was 4AM in the mornin')

Yeah we had dedication 2.0 (this time for the final video)

And some atmosphere of course

We also needed a break every now and then

More meetups were organized to make the final report. Or this website really. We were hungry so we got some nice pizza. Oh yeah, and we watched Pat & Mat. We would not recommend watching it, the episodes on Netflix were not the same as we saw when we were younger and these were stoOpid.And we went on a walk and Arjo needed to be Arjo again, so… the video speaks for itself. And at Metaforum we made some music, which was awesome. So here, enjoy!


Pat & Mat as passtime

Arjo being arjo

And we made some music at Metaforum at midnight

Making shots for our video was quite cool

We had a lot and a lot of fun while shooting the video for our final demoday. The coolest thing was that you could actually walk around in the build created with the AR build app. I mean, just look at thiisss!!

Timo happy with his shots

Timo being model in AR build system

More Timo being model in AR build system

I mean, we tried to have our own presentations

During meetings we had our own presentations, but yeah nobody ever listened to them so after all it was just one big joke. But hey, Arjo happy, we happy. And that’s what counts :’)

He starts presenting

Arjo do be happy after his presentation

Yeah and this happened

Our meetings were always a bit… “different”.

We will never question the creative process again

He do be chillin' on the ground

Ow and this dude passed by

Vewy happy

During Demo Day Diede was not convinced about our project, so we build this cool scene during the meeting

I mean, this is THE definition of *Creativity & Aesthetics*

Yeah this is where all the sugar bags from the 'Zwarte Doos' went